One Month


Okay, so this is a little late.  But such is life with two kids.

So Sam is one month old!  Well, now he's almost 8 weeks.. but, I have two kids and a husband. I barely have time to eat, let alone sit down at the computer for more than 5 minutes at a time.  He's growing so much and so fast.  I forgot how fast they grow when they're so little.

He's a good baby.. he eats like a little piggy.. doesn't cry too much.  And when he does cry, he's fairly easy to calm back down.  Note: If you can't get your baby to stop crying, trying holding them while vacuuming.  Sam loves that and almost immediately falls asleep.  Apparently I was the same way when I was a baby.  ;)

He's a Mama's boy, of course.. he just started smiling at me.  Normally when I'm making really weird faces at him.  But I would make myself look like a goon all day long just to see that smile.  Sleeping... he's getting better at it.  He naps well most days.  At night, he will start off with about a 4 hour stretch around 8 or 9 and then after that it's usually every 2-3 hours.  He does really well sleeping in his bassinet (Clara absolutely hated her bassinet for the first few months).

Next week I go back to work.  I'm ready, but not ready.. I'm going to miss being at home with my littles all day.  But at least I get to see them at work - that helps.  ;)

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