Pumpkin Poppers {recipe}


I feel like these past few weeks have just flown by.  I can't believe we're at the end of October already.  Life has felt busy lately.. and Clara has just started sleeping 8-9 hours at night before getting up to eat (thank you, Jesus).. but even so, I've still been so tired.  No idea why.  I have bumped up Clara's feedings from 3.5 oz to 5 oz, and she has started eating some rice cereal at night before bed.  She's getting so big!  And learning to eat from the spoon really well.  I think she enjoys it -- and she keeps trying to grab the spoon out of my hand (which she succeeded in last night and then rice cereal went all over the couch).  She really is such a joy.  :)

Anyway, I made these Pumpkin Poppers the other day because my mom mentioned she made them and how good they were.  I had some leftover pumpkin in the fridge that I needed to use up, so I decided to try them.  The recipes calls for 3/4 cup of pumpkin.. and what do you know.. I had exactly 3/4 cup.  It was definitely meant to be.  ;)

They are kind of like little pumpkin donut holes.  They're addictive little things... delicious any time of the day.. but go really good with coffee in the morning.  Which is how I'm enjoying my morning today. 

Pumpkin Poppers
recipe from Domestically Speaking

  • 1 3/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • 2 tsp. baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp. nutmeg
  • 1/2 tsp. allspice
  • 1/8 tsp. ground cloves
  • 1/3 cup vegetable oil
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 3/4 cup pumpkin
  • 1/2 cup milk

For Coating
  • 1 stick unsalted butter, melted
  • 2/3 cup sugar
  • 2 tbsp. cinnamon

Preheat oven to 350 F and spray mini muffin tins with non-stick cooking spray.

Combine flour, baking powder ,salt, and spices in a bowl and whisk until combine.

In another bowl, mix oil, brown sugar, egg, vanilla, pumpkin, and milk.  Pour in flour mixture and mix until just combined.  Fill mini muffin tins until almost full and bake 10-12 minutes. 

Melt butter in small bowl.  Mix sugar and cinnamon in a separate small bowl.  After poppers cool for a few minutes, LIGHTLY coat them in butter (I prefer to brush on the butter) and roll them in the sugar mixture.  Enjoy.  :)


  1. Those look amazing!!!!

    and I feel you about being tired. I never felt this tired until I had a child. (Right now I'm double-y tired though lol) I think we don't realize how much energy they really take out of us.

  2. Oh my goodness! Those look great! I'm addicted to pumpkin stuff...I've already found a ton of recipes on Pinterest so I will have to make these soon. :)

  3. These sound delicious! Can't wait to try them!
    :) CAS

  4. Hi there! Found you through Tasty Tuesday on FTLOB - these look absolutely scrumptious! I'm a huge fan of pumpkin, plus anything that resembles a doughnut, so you've created a winner in my book :)

  5. Yum! I saw these last week, but when I tried to get the recipe the site was down or something, so thanks for posting these!!

    Stopping by from FTLOB

  6. In the ingredient list you have baking powder, but in the directions it says baking soda. Which one are we supposed to use?

  7. How many muffins does this make? I also wonder- baking powder or baking soda?

  8. I checked the link to the original recipe and it says "baking powder". I was wondering too!


    I'm going to make these tonight!

  9. Hi Haley...
    can I switch the whole wheat flour vs. the all-purpose flour?
    Thanks, Erin

  10. I prefer the taste of baking powder to baking soda, it tastes less sharp

  11. Hi!! How many of these beauties does this recipe make? Thanks!!

  12. there is nothing acidic in this recipe for a reason to use baking soda,

  13. I plan to make these in the morning! I have all of the ingredients in my cabinets! One question, I don't have mini-muffin tins. I only have regular size muffin tins, would you recommend adjusting the cooking time at all since the balls will likely be larger? I know this sounds like a really dumb question...I just want to be sure! :)

  14. Made them exactly as the recipe called for and they looked done and when I tested them with a cake tester, it came out clean, but when the were cook and I tried one, they were very doughy inside and I wasn't too impressed with this recipe. Sorry?

  15. 2 tsp of baking powder is not appropriate for this recipe, makes them bitter. I am trying the recipe again with only 1/2 tsp and a "better for bread" flour as there was little rising for the amount of baking powder I used.

  16. These were ok, but I like them better plain or with a cream cheese icing.

  17. omg...i'm so making these

  18. What size can of pumpkin did you use and was it the solid pack? Can't wait to try them

  19. For the readers who said these are a little doughy, I've used pumpkin a lot to make muffins and you always have to add a little baking soda or they will be wet and doughy. Like 1/2 tsp will make a big difference.

  20. Those look amazing! Definitely gonna try it :)

  21. These are AMAZING! I did what one of the other commenters suggested and used 2 tsp of baking powder plus a half tsp of baking soda, and they are perfect. Now, if I can just stop eating them!!

  22. Can you make these in a cake pop machine?

  23. Can't wait to try these ...

  24. I just found your blog, and these awesome pumpkin poppers! These are now going onto my fall list of must tries!!! I love everything pumpkin!!

  25. Made these delicious little bits of pumpkin heaven, however I noticed that the ingredient list calls for Baking Powder & the instructions mention Baking Soda...which one is actually the correct ingredient?

  26. I just made these exactly how recipe stated and they are perfect. Very light and delicious. Very easy recipe to follow. Questioned not using baking soda also but they turned out perfect !

  27. Just made these, so delicious! I love all things pumpkin.

  28. Just made!!! Fantastic!!!!

  29. Just finished making these with my 3 year old, super easy and delicious. Added half a tsp. of baking soda as others suggested. Wonderful, easy treat my family is going to love!

  30. I doubled recipe and used a 15 oz can of organic pumpkin. Used 4tsp of baking soda because I doubled the recipe. I also used pumpkin pie spice because I was too lazy to measure out each spice individually. Haven't added the butter, cinnamon, and sugar. I'm sure they will be even better then!

  31. These turned out delicious! I added the 1/2 tsp. of baking soda in addition to the 2 tsp. of baking powder called for in the recipe. Plus, I was all out of regular milk, so I substituted half-and-half. Turned out wonderfully! I will definitely make again. It also appears that 3/4 cup of pumpkin is about half of a regular can of pumpkin. So I froze the rest of it for the next time I make these.

  32. I saw this recipe at about midnight and just had to make these right away. They are amazing the family loved them.. Thanks

  33. Anyone know how many poppers this recipe makes? Thanks!

  34. Yum! I make something similar but I haven't put cinnamon sugar on the outside. Good idea. I am a new follower. Hope to see you at True Aim!

  35. OH MY GOODNESS! Just made them! I am so glad I made them to take someplace tonight, or I would EAT them all! I just dipped the tops in the butter, then the cinnamon sugar! I am literally having a fit!!! Thanks for posting this recipe!

  36. Ohh I don't like donuts but the pictures (and the fact that these are pumpkin) makes me want them!!

  37. made these today for a cookout!! followed the recipe exactly - EXCEPT just used 1 tsp of baking powder. (no baking soda). they were perfection and SUCH a hit!! will definitely be making these over and over again!

  38. Just made these, with the only change being that I used pumpkin pie spice instead of measuring out the other spices. They are SO good. Will be making them again, but with a whole can of pumpkin next time. (I really like pumpkin!) I didn't have mini muffin tins, just the regular one so I only filled it halfway full. LOVE these! Thanks for posting the recipe!!!

  39. Can these be frozen and reheated?

  40. Made these this morning. Flavor was just ok. They turned out really doughy and dense. Unfortunately we ended up throwing out the entire batch.

  41. Fill cups 3/4 full. Makes about 30 poppers. Delicious!

  42. Just made a batch....WOW, so good!

  43. I made 24 mini muffins. I used 1 cup of cornstarch/white rice flour mix, 3/4 cup coconut flour and almond milk. I also used organic brown sugar, and for the topping - coconut palm sugar.
    They look wonderful! I wish I'd read the comments first, and I would have added the baking soda too.
    My canned pumpkin was thick and the dough was very stiff. Ended up rolling them into balls....worked well and they came out uniform in size. Good recipe. Can't wait for my daughters to visit today to try a new pumpkin
    treat. Thanks.

  44. Holy cow!!!! I've been baking for two weeks trying to discover my " new pumpkin baked fall tradition treat"( yea I knows a mouth full!) I have found it!!! Made these tonight and they are wonderful! Thanks for sharing!

  45. These were soooooooo good! Found them on pinterest and promptly added them to my pumpkin board! They remind me of donut muffins but a fall version, so tasty! Thank you!

  46. How much pumpkin pie spice would you use instead of the other spices?

  47. Haven't tried mine yet but I got 33 from my batch. Some a little big some a little small. I think you could get 25-35 depending on how you fill. If they don't turn out well this time I blame myself for not reading through The comments more throughly. If you are patient and take the time to read the comments you can get the best end results. It's all about your own specific taste.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. These sound soooo good! I love pumpkin anything lol! Thank you formsharing.

  50. I just tried them and they are delicious! Thank you soooo much for sharing! A little confused with whether it was supposed to be baking powder or soda though. I used powder but in the directions you say mix baking soda.

  51. Its baking powder.. :-) http://cleverhousewife.com/2012/08/weekly-pinterest-challenge-pumpkin-poppers/

  52. I didn't have a mini muffin tray so I used a regular muffin tray and just dipped the tops in the butter and sugar mixture and they turned out great. I am quickly going to make another batch because I cannot stop eating them. Great recipe. :)

  53. I also found these to be pretty dense and doughy. Will try the baking soda next time.

  54. I like you had some left over pumpkin. I just made these and they are wonderful! thamk you so much for sharing!

  55. These were yummy! I made them in my babycakes doughnut maker. I cut the recipe in half but i did use a whole egg and I added a little baking soda as suggested.

  56. How many does this Reciepe make

  57. So delicious!! My whole family loves these :) I made a triple batch to take to our family thanksgiving today.

  58. These are amazing. Nice and light and fluffy. I did as others suggested and used 2 tsp baking powder and 1/2 tsp baking soda. I also used 3/4 cup fresh pumpkin puree that I had made the day before. This made about 30 or so. They disappeared as fast as I could put them on a plate. New favorite!

  59. Yummy! Once they were ready to eat, I put a dab of whipped cream on top of them. Delicious!

  60. I just made these, exactly as the directions states....they are delicious!!!!

  61. I love anything pumpkin so I will most likely make this tonight. Thanks for the recipe...

  62. YUM!!! If you're impatient like me and taste the poppers before adding the coating, you might think something is missing, but don't give up! The look and taste of them completely changed after coating them in the butter and sugar/cinnamon mixture! Also, the recipe said to fill each cup of a mini muffin pan. I suggest about half-full for more manageable, bite-size portions--and then you'll get more out of them. If I'd done that on the first batch, I could've gotten 48 out of the recipe. Delicious! Thanks for sharing!

  63. This may be stupid but do i use muffin wrappers? if not do i grease the tins?

    Thanks im new at baking :)

  64. Just made these. They are YUMMY!! Good thing I have somewhere to take them tonight or I would eat them all myself. I'm totally hoping there are leftovers though. ;) I made them per the recipe, but used pumpkin pie spice instead of all the other spices, and used a regular muffin tin (it's all I had). Had to cook them about 20 minutes though. I also added the 1/2 tsp of soda.

  65. Oh so GOOD! Just made these and the kids devoured them. I brushed the butter on and put the sugar and cinnamon in a ziploc bag to toss. Thank you so much.

  66. I followed the suggestion to use 2 tsp of baking powder plus a half tsp of baking soda. I live at a high altitude so I wasn't sure how they would turn out, but they were incredible! Thanks for the recipe!

  67. Makes over 2 dozen. Delicious!! My guests loved them! Kids loved them too.

  68. I just made these yesterday, although I used pumpkin pie spice instead of the individual spices, then reheated them in the oven this morning and then rolled them in the butter and cinnamon sugar mixture and served them to some ladies. What a hit! Delicious!! Thank you!

  69. Glad everyone is enjoying them! And, my apologies, I did fix the recipe. It is baking POWDER not baking soda. I found these perfect as is, but of course, feel free to adjust to your needs. :)



  70. I added a touch of baking soda. Perfect. Thought I may have needed cream cheese frosting, but the sugar and cinnamon was just right!

  71. Just made these and they turned out perfect! I did take the advise and use the baking soda as well. They were very moist,and After dipping in cin. butter,I drizzled with cream cheese frosting and sprinkled very lightly with cin.sugar. Awesome pumpkin cinnabon's :) Thank you and this is a keeper in my book!!!

  72. Just made these and they turned out perfect! I did take the advise and use the baking soda as well. They were very moist,and After dipping in cin. butter,I drizzled with cream cheese frosting and sprinkled very lightly with cin.sugar. Awesome pumpkin cinnabon's :) Thank you and this is a keeper in my book!!!

  73. Yum-O!!!! Love these pumpkin bites... perfect as a snack, breakfast addition, or dessert with coffee. :)Thanks for an awesome-ly yummy pumpkin recipe.

  74. So delicious! I made this gluten free by substituting Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free All Purpose Flour. I also added 1 tsp of xanthan gum. Thanks for the recipe!

  75. I followed the recipe exact and they came out perfect. nice and fluffy. I used a real pumpkin instead of canned so maybe that's the difference. They are so good that I couldn't even wait long enough to make the coating to eat them.

  76. I just made these with 1/2 tsp of baking soda, 1/2 tsp baking powder and they are amazing!! They're supposed to be treats for my daughter's school tomorrow, but I don't know if they'll last that long.

    Also, they yield 24 mini muffins.

  77. I also added the 1/2 t baking soda and these were AMAZING. Everyone that had one was oohing and ahhing : )

  78. I made these for breakfast this morning. The only change: pumpkin pie spice instead of the individual spices (and only because that's what I had on hand). Like soft, fluffy pillows! Thanks for a great recipe!

  79. I just made these gluten free! (simply substitute Bobs Red Mill Gluten Free All Purpose flour) DIVINE!!! Great recipe!

  80. Super delicious. Omitted oil and added a little more pumpkin, used whole wheat flour, used coconut oil on pan and to dip.

  81. Just made your yummy pumpkin poppers. They were very tasty and the perfect compliment to a cup of coffee.

  82. Mine turned out really yummy! I also did the 2 tsp baking powder and a 1/2 tsp bkg soda and everything else the same. I did mine in regular muffin runs..cooked 15 mins. Thx!

  83. I've made these twice in the last week and they're delish! Skipped the coating and switched pumpkin for butternut squash. So yum!

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. do you know if you can make the dough a day ahead?

  86. These were a hit at my house. My 5yr old took them to school for snack day also and loved them :) I changed the flour to wheat and added some chocolate chips too! Thanks for sharing :)

  87. THESE ROCK!!! :-) Sharing on Facebook and Twitter for sure!

  88. Haley,
    I just stumbled across your site (via pinterest - don't you LOVE it!) and so pleased I did! pumpkin isn't something thats really done here in Australia (except as a vegetable with a roast dinner!), but I love pumpkin so am really keen to try these pumpkin poppers! They look delicious.

    Clara sounds divine! I have 7 yr old, 5 yr old and 5 week old so am right in the middle of the sleepless nights, but wouldn't swap it for a moment.

    Your post made me smile and cheered me up today - there was something uplifting about the way you wrote that encouraged me this morning.

    THank you and God bless you. Hope you have a wonderful day :)


  89. HI! Wondering if I could have permission to share your photos on my blog and/or FB (with link to you blog). thanks in advance - please email me at wholenewmom at gmail dot com :).

  90. Really good! I used 2 teaspoon of baking powder plus a half a teaspoon of baking soda (as someone suggested it in the earlier comment). I didn't have any vegetable oil so I used olive oil which worked great. I only had the regular size muffin tins so the baking time is 23 minutes and I have 12 beautiful pumpkin heaven. Thank you very much for this recipe, everyone loves it

  91. I made these for Thanksgiving and I think it was the best thing we ate all day! I added the 1/2 tsp baking soda as some people suggested. Also, I didn't have a mini muffin tin so I just used a regular. That made about 15 "poppers". So so yummy! They practically disappeared.

  92. These are fab! Thanks for sharing!

  93. I just made these they are delicious! I also added 1/2 tsp of baking soda. For the the topping I just did 1 1/2 cup of confectioners sugar amd 3 tbsp of milk whisk then I drizzled all the muffins and then sprinkled the sugar on top. Will make these again very easy. I used regular muffin tin.

  94. Just made these this morning and they were awesome! I could have eaten them all! Thanks for sharing! :)

  95. We just made these this afternoon - FANTASTIC! I just featured my outcome on my blog :). Thanks for sharing all your yummy recipes!

  96. I'm concerned with the amount of sugar in this recipe. Would I be able to substitute the sugar for something like stewed apple or even honey?

  97. Hi Raelene -

    If you're concerned about the sugar, you could certainly try to substitute with honey. And then just leave them plain and not roll them in sugar. I have never personally tried this, but feel free to experiment. xo.

  98. Can these be frozen?

    1. I have not personally tried freezing them. If you do, let me know how it turns out! Thanks for stopping by:)

  99. I made this with my daughter today and the first batch came out heavenly. This recipe rocks! My only modification would be to cut down on the butter. I had a lot of butter leftover for the topping. I'd think between 1/2 stick to 3/4 stick would be sufficient.

    1. So glad you and your daughter enjoyed! :) And thank you for your input! ~Haley

  100. I made these this weekend. I did not add baking soda and I think they were perfect! I also had a lot of butter left over so I might decrease it a little next time just so I don't waste too much. Everyone at our Labor Day celebration, kids and adults, loved these and gobbled them up!

  101. I made these this weekend. I did not add baking soda and I think they came out perfect. I also had a lot of butter left over so will decrease that a little next time. Everyone, kids and adults, at our Labor Day celebration loved these and gobbled them up!

  102. Just made these for breakfast, and in one word they are addicting!! The entire first batch is almost gone between 3 people. And the kitchen smells like fall while they are baking :) I do agree that one stick of butter is a lot for the topping, maybe 3/4.

    1. So glad you enjoyed! I'm just itching to make these again.. maybe next weekend! ;) xo Haley

  103. These are so yummy with my hot tea! I added 1/2 tsp baking soda and I halved the topping ingredients and just dipped the tops in the butter then sugar mixture. Also used white whole wheat flour. Hope there are some left for the kids when they get home from school!

  104. I made these this morning, they are wonderful! Can you tell me how to store these? Should they be refrigerated if they wont be eaten up for a couple days?

    1. I just store them in an air tight container at room temp. Ours our usually eaten up within a day or two! :)

  105. I loved these! I discovered that the melted butter is not necesary. While they are warm, just roll them around in the sugar and cinnamon. Worked great. Thank you for sharing this recipe.

  106. I made these by the recipe & cooked them in my cake pop maker. Perfect!

  107. I wonder if you could use sweet potatoes instead of pumpkin??

  108. Hi from Australia. I baked these little beauties today and they turned out light, fluffy and delicious. Unfortunately my children refused to try them, firstly as they were made with pumpkin, and secondly they were rolled in cinnamon sugar. In our country many families use pumpkin as a roasting vegetable, in soup or in pumpkin scones. So the kids thought I was mad adding into cake. I on the other hand loved them! Oh well all the more for me!!!

  109. Hi from Australia. I baked these little beauties today and found them light, fluffy and delicious. I am glad I added the 1/2 tsp of bi carb or soda. Unfortunately my kids refused to try them as firstly they were made with pumpkin and traditionally in our country pumpkin is used for roasts, soups and pumpkin scones (I think you call them biscuits?) and secondly they were rolled in cinnamon sugar. My four year old just screwed her face up and said "No thank you, I am fine." So it looks like I will be eating these delicious little poppers myself! Thanks for posting this delicious recipe 😀

  110. OMG! These beauties baked perfectly! My first pumpkin bake of Fall 2016. Love them! Thanks


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