

Soothing Fussy Babies

“I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Little Remedies. I received a product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for my participation.”

I've been using Little Remedies products for years.  I used them when Clara was a baby - she was quite the colicky one - and they worked wonders!  Sam isn't really colicky, but he's so gassy.. and he gets the hiccups so easily.  The Little Remedies Gas Drops give him some relief, which makes this mama's heart happy.  These drops go everywhere that I go - I do not leave the house without them, and they're definitely a diaper bag must-have!

Happy babies and kids... means happy parents.  ;)

Also, I really enjoyed this Gassy Baby Tips Infographic from registered dietician Bridget Swinney (@eatrightmama).  It's a wonderful resource to keep on hand for new or seasoned mama's!  ;)

Here's a little more information on my favorite, most used Little Remedies products..

Little Remedies® Gas Drops
Quickly relieves tummy pain from excess gas. Safe remedy to gently ease stomach discomfort or bloating.
  • Relieves excess gas from food or swallowing of air
  • No artificial colors or flavors
  • No alcohol, saccharin or preservatives
  • Dosage can also be mixed with 1 oz. of cool water, infant formula or other suitable liquids.

Little Remedies® Gripe Water
Eases tummy pain for infants. Natural, effective relief for your baby's upset stomach.
  • Relieves discomfort due to hiccups and colic*
  • Safe, gentle formula
  • No alcohol or gluten
  • Be sure to burp your baby during and after feeding to reduce air buildup.


Breakfast Bites #PANFan

“I participated in an Ambassador Program on behalf of Influence Central for P.A.N. Cornmeal. I received product samples as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation.”

Breakfast Bites via

Let me just be real with you for a minute.  I hate frying things.  Mainly because I don't do it often, so I'm always afraid I'm going to mess it up!  But these were SO easy... it's a pretty simple process.. I was impressed with myself, actually.  We dipped these in some warm maple syrup, and they were delicious.. they're weren't greasy, the breading was nice and fluffy.  Perfection.

I've partnered up with P.A.N. Cornmeal with show you how versatile cornmeal can be.  Last month I posted about Homemade Pupusas - if you haven't checked those out, you need to!  They're so good, I actually have them on the menu for dinner later this week.  And today I have these fun Breakfast Bites that you can make for breakfast, brunch.. or even dinner, if you're a breakfast-for-dinner kind of person like me!  I hope this inspires you to get in the kitchen and try something you haven't tried before!

Stay on the lookout, because I have another yummy P.A.N. recipe coming in August!  :)

Breakfast Bites via

Breakfast Bites
adapted from Chow 
  • 12 breakfast sausage links
  • 1 quart vegetable oil, for frying
  • 1 cup P.A.N. Cornmeal
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 tbsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 cup milk
  • 2 large eggs
  • 3 tbsp real maple syrup
  • 2 tbsp granulated sugar
  • 12 candy apple craft sticks (optional)

Cook sausages according to package, then set aside.

Pour oil into a large, heavy-bottomed pot.  Heat over medium-high until heated through.  Meanwhile, insert craft stick into each sausage (optional).  If you decide against the sticks, use tongs to dip the sausage link in the batter.

When oil is ready, whisk the cornmeal, flour, baking powder, and salt together in a bowl.  Then whisk in the milk, eggs, maple syrup, and granulated sugar until thoroughly combined.  Pour some batter into a tall glass, leaving 1 inch of room at the top.  

Using tongs (or holding on the the stick, if you chose to use them), evenly dip a sausage into the glass of batter and rotate until completely covered.  Immediately place into the hot oil.  Repeat with 3 more sausages.  Fry, turning occasionally, until golden.. about 2-3 minutes.  Transfer the breakfast bites to a paper towel lined plate using tongs.  

Repeat with remaining sausages.  Serve immediately, with a side of real maple syrup for dipping!

Breakfast Bites via

For a wide variety of recipes using P.A.N. Cornmeal, visit the P.A.N. tumblr page.  #PANFan


Happy 78th Birthday, Krispy Kreme!

Because... doughnuts.

Warm, delicious, melt-in-your-mouth doughnuts.

We went out for a special treat after dinner one night to - you guessed it - Krispy Kreme!  Thankfully we arrived just in time for them to turn their hot light on, because who doesn't love those warm, classic glazed treats?  Of course we got some of those, but we also wanted to try some new varieties! Since Krispy Kreme just recently celebrated their 78th birthday (happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..) we had to give their new Birthday Cake Batter Doughnut a try.  Clara hogged it, but she gave it a two thumbs up!  It was filled with a blend of Kreme and birthday cake batter flavored filling, topped with a fun yellow icing and bright confetti sprinkles.  I, on the other hand, just HAD to try the Brownie Batter Doughnut...

And my oh my.. it was a little taste of heaven.

This delicious doughnut was topped in chocolate and mini chocolate chips... and filled with what tastes exactly like brownie batter.  Hence the name.  It was definitely a nice little treat for my sweet tooth!

Those confetti sprinkles just make me happy.  And those glazed doughnuts?  Yeah, they were warm.. and they melted in my mouth.  SUPER good choice for an after-dinner treat!  So, find your nearest Krispy Kreme.. take someone you love out for a sweet treat.. and celebrate Krispy Kreme's 78th Birthday!  

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.


My On-The-Go Clutch Essentials

Thank you Tampax Pocket Pearl and Target for sponsoring this post. Go to or your local store to purchase Tampax Pocket Pearl!

These days I use a small clutch for my purse, because I have to lug around a big ol' diaper bag... so it only makes sense.  I've had to downsize considerably... my old purse was probably about the size of a diaper bag.. I'm sure it was just filled with old receipts, more pens than I really need, and some lost fruit snacks floating around the bottom.

So because of that, I love having a small clutch to just carry my essentials.  And, of course, all my essentials come from Target.  Because I love Target.  And if you say you do not love Target.. I think you're lying to yourself.  It's my favorite store.  And the dollar spot?  Gets me every.single.time.

And so do the clothes, shoes, home decor, feminine hygiene aisle... naturally. ;)

I've got my good ol' Tampax Pocket Pearl (obviously), some Burt's Bees's lip balm, "orange gum" as my child calls it.. it's her favorite, some ibuprofen for those headaches that sneak up on your at all the wrongs times, a pen... because you must always have a pen, and some hand sanitizer because I have kids and kids tend to touch the most nasty things.  ;)  

I love that the Tampax Pocket Pearl is small enough to fit in my little clutch and the design on the wrapper makes the cute and discreet - so it would be difficult at first glance to even know exactly what it is.  And who doesn't like cute things?  It's the little things like that, that make me smile a little.  ;)  They make it easy for me at work to just put one in my pocket and sneak off to the bathroom!  

Is Target the go-to store for anyone else?  If you carry a small clutch, what do you keep in yours?  Am I missing anything?  If I am, tell me and give me a reason to go back to Target!  Ha!

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.


Three Months

This is way late.  I should pretty much just plan on everything I try to do being late at this time in my life.  But it's never too late for some cuteness.  :)  Three month photos, guys.. THREE MONTHS.

He's grown so, so much this month.  He smiles all the time, although not as much as his sister did - he's a bit more reserved.  If you want a smile, sometimes he'll make you work for it.  ;)  I've only gotten a belly laugh out of him once.. but my oh my, was it the sweetest thing I've ever heard.

He is absolutely loving his hands.  He loves to grab at things, chew on them.. chew on them some more.. slobber slobber.  He has his hands up by his face a lot, even when he's not chewing on them.. kind of like in the photo.

He loves to sit up and look around.. see what's going on.  He's been sleeping pretty well.. he slept for 6 straight hours last night for the first time.  And it was the most amazing thing on the planet.  I felt like I got 12 hours of sleep - ha!

He's my chunky hunk.. and I'm excited to see what month 4 has in store!


Charmin's Got Your Back (or Bum)!

I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Charmin. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for my participation. All content and thoughts are my own.

Summers are busy.  They never slow down and are always go, go, go.  Whether it's entertaining, BBQing, having family from out of town come and visit, going on day trips, camping trips.. and all of  the million other summer activities I'm forgetting.. it's always something.

We actually just had 8 of my family members in town visiting last week.  It was SO much fun - I always cherish their visits!  A few days before arrival, I always have to go through my little check list of things to get done.. cleaning, laundry, clean the cars, mow the lawn, grocery shop, and get the guest rooms cleaned and guest bathroom stocked... this includes stocking up on Charmin!  Because if you didn't know, 8+ people go through toilet paper really fast.  Ha!

Charmin and Roto-Rooter, America’s largest provider of plumbing & drain services, have teamed up again this year to remind consumers of the clog-free and septic-safe guarantee that only comes with Charmin. Roto-Rooter plumbers recommend Charmin more than any other brand.  Charming is the expert's choice!

Not only that, but my husband loves to do a lot of outdoorsy things.  We would normally go camping, but since we have such a little itty bitty baby.. and it's so darn hot out.. we don't have any plans to go as a family this summer.  But my husband will usually go with some friends a couple times a year.

Which means he puts together his "go box".. which he will show you himself.. in the video below.. ;)

You can visit Charmin on Facebook and Twitter!  #TweetFromTheSeat