

Yoplait vs. Chobani Taste-Off

This post is sponsored by Yoplait, but the best Greek yogurt was determined by me... and Clara.

I've been given the fun chance to participate in the Yoplait vs. Chobani Greek Taste-Off.  First of all, let me tell you that I've never been a huge fan of greek yogurt.  Unless it was in a smoothie or something.  But my child, well, she pretty much lives on yogurt.  I don't even want to tell you how much yogurt she eats.  So she did the taste-off with me.  :)

This is what we were working with...

I liked how Chobani had the bigger chunks of fruit, but Clara liked that Yoplait had hardly any big fruit chunks (she's not a fan of the chunks.. I think it's just a texture thing for her).  Chobani was also a lot thicker. 

She takes her yogurt very seriously, if you can't tell.  ;)  In the end, both of our votes go to Yoplait... definitely the best greek yogurt.  It was creamy and delicious.  It was a little sweeter than the Chobani, and we have a sweet tooth, so it definitely made us lean toward that one more.  Also, it didn't taste like Greek yogurt normally tastes... which is a plus for us, since we're not big on greek yogurt anyway!  Clara ate it up, and I'd definitely buy it for her again (and probably will.. yogurt is a staple in our house because of her!).

Have you tried either of these yogurts?  Which one do you prefer, or which one do you think you'd prefer?


  1. You have quite the little cutie on your hands! My daughter Alea chose the Yoplait, too, for our Taste Off! Hope you have a great weekend-- and by the way-- your photos are BEAUTIFUL!

  2. I have a sweet tooth as well and the Yopliat was the winner in our test. Yum!

  3. In our house, it was divided. My daughter liked Yoplait, and I liked the Chobani.
    Wasn't it a fun taste off?


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