

Vitality Blend Banana Breakfast Smoothie

This post is sponsored by Viance Nutrition but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

I am a huge smoothie person.  I love them any time of day, but especially in the mornings because I find that they're easy and quick for when I need to get out the door.

To make this Breakfast Smoothie recipe, I used Viance Vitality Blend.  It's a meal replacement shake, but I made it into this delicious breakfast smoothie.  No more worries about getting good nutrition in the morning.  After all, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right??

I've been making this smoothie every morning for about a week now, and I love it!  It keeps me satisfied all morning and best of all, I know I'm getting the fuel and nutrition that my body needs to keep going through the day!

This recipe is easy, and tasty!  If you give it a go, let me know what you think!

Vitality Blend Banana Breakfast Smoothie
Blend until smooth, and start getting that nutrition in!

They also have a handful of other wonderful products.. such as their greens formula which is exactly like juicing (but without the mess) and their brownie bites.  They are the perfect snack to take on the go!

Check out Viance, you'll be happy you did!

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