

A Mom Must-Have (TempTraq)

Here it comes.

Weather change, sickness, sniffles, and fevers.  It's inevitable, so you best be prepared!  I always make sure I have vapor rub, fever meds, and lots of kleenex stocked in our home.  Don't forget the thermometer to keep track of temperature spikes!

Then there's TempTraq.  This is a genius new gadget... it's a wearable Bluetooth temperature monitor patch that you can put on your child and it will continually keep track of their body temperature for up to 24 hours.  There's no need to wake them or disturb them while they're resting to check the temp.  It works with Apple OR Android phones through the TempTraq app and can also keep track of when your child eats, drink, and takes medicine in addition to the temperature monitoring.

All you have to do it apply the soft patch (totally comfortable!) under your childs arm and it will send alerts to your phone through their app.

There have been times - this one time in particular earlier this year - Sam was just 10 months old and his temperature was slowly rising even with meds.  I always felt awful for having to disturb him when he would finally fall asleep and I would have to stick the thermometer under his arm again.  I'm looking forward to having this stocked in my house this season, so I can give him all the sicky cuddles without making him uncomfortable every couple hours.

This little gadget is completely safe to use and is an FDA cleared medical device.  All my pregnant friends, this is definitely something I would want on my baby registry, too!

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