

hot air balloon fun

Last Friday, Clara's birthday, we decided to take a break from all of hustle and bustle of birthday party planning and last minute to-do's and head over to Galena to the Great Galena Balloon Race.  Hot air balloons are so pretty... and I would love to go up in one some day.

Clara kept pointing to the balloons as they were blowing them up and getting them ready to fly..  'pretty, pretty!' she would say.  :)

But of course, after a while, all the excitement go to her.  My mom and I went to go get some food and drinks.. and we came back to a sleeping beauty.  She had fallen asleep in Papa's arms.  Such a sweet sleeper.


  1. Such beautiful photos! When we lived in Colorado Springs I had looked into booking a flight in a hot air balloon but I couldn't believe how expensive it was! Maybe sometime in the future...but I'm afraid that my fear of heights might set in@!

  2. oh, what I would give to see a balloon festival!


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