

Five Months

I'm a few weeks overdue on this one.. I did actually take the photos (kind of) on time, though... so that counts for something, right?  Ha!  I can hardly believe how much he has grown these past months.  He weighs 18 lbs.. the same weight that Clara was at her one year check up!  So it's safe to say that he's my chunky baby.. and I'm loving it.

He's rolling over.. I can't leave him alone for 2 seconds or he will be on the other side of the room getting into something he's not suppose to.. and he's SO close to crawling.  He will get up on his hands and knees and rock back and forth.. he's just gotta figure out how to move those knees forward.   Soon, little buddy.. it will be very soon.. and then you'll truly be everywhere and into everything.

I adore that gummy smile of his and I'm soaking that up as long as I can.  He's definitely a Mama's Boy.. and it melts my heart.  He's going 5+ months strong of exclusive breastfeeding now and I couldn't be happier about it.  Goal is 1 year, so it's looking pretty good that we'll make it that far.  :)

Is it possible that my baby is already almost half a year old?  Oh Sam, we all love you so much.


Carter’s 150th Birthday Sweepstakes

“I participated in a Blog Blast Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Carter’s. I received a promotional item to thank me for my participation.”

This year it's Carter's 150th birthday!  To celebrate, they're hosting a 150th Birthday Sweepstakes!  150 lucky winners will be selected to win two (2) $150 Carter's gift cards!  You have nothing to lose, so here's how to enter:
  • Follow the Carter's brand on Instagram and Twitter
  • Post photos or videos of your favorite "happy moment" with #HappyBirthdayCarters AND #CartersSweepstakes to Instagram and Twitter for your chance to win
  • You can also enter below..

Our family ADORES Carter's.  I love the new styles they roll out with each season.. and my kids look darn cute in their clothes.  Just sayin!  Not only do we love Carters for that, but because of their willingness to give to those in need.  During this year, the Carter's Charitable Foundation will sponsor 150 parties for homeless children.  A total of 750 birthday will be celebrated with over 9,000 children in 20 shelters across the country.  That makes my heart swell - every kid deserves a birthday party.  Thank you, Carters!

Vists Carters's on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter - tell them how awesome they are!