

Clara Turns Three

I can hardly believe that my baby girl is 3.  She's smart, funny... can carry on a good conversation.. independent.. and definitely sassy.  I'm happy and sad at the same time.  She has such  a sweet heart, and I'm so proud of the little girl she's becoming.  I wanted to do something super fun for her birthday. So, we took her to the Memphis Zoo - she loves the zoo!  This was my first time visiting the Memphis Zoo and it's so nice, and am thinking we will need to take another trip there later this summer.

She had fun watching all the animals with her cousin, and splashing around in the fountain with her Aunt.  It was a perfect day for it - the sun was warm, but there was a nice breeze.  Clara wore herself straight out and was asleep before we even got back to the car.  ;)

She enjoyed opening all of her gifts, and has just been in heaven with her new toys (which includes some Barbies.. her first ones!  And more play-doh, and a big girl bike!).. but there is one toy that I know she will get a ton of use out of this summer, since we are outside so much.. and that would be a sand box!

We've been playing in it every day since she received it!  It was a gift from her Nana and Papa.. and I'm so thankful for technology.. they were able to watch her discover it and play in it via Facetime.

And Wesson.. well, he likes to be in on all the action too.. he loves hanging out with Clara by the sandbox!


Weekend Getaway {Dallas}

Over the weekend we took a short trip to the Dallas area for my cousins wedding - a beautiful wedding at that.  They were married on Grapevine Lake and it was a perfect day for it.  We made a little bit of a vacation out of the trip, of course.  My mom and Grandma traveled down for the wedding also so I'm thankful we were able to see and spend time with them.

Other than the wedding, we did a lot of eating.. drank some margaritas.. some fun pit-stops for the kiddo.. and of course a bit of shopping (IKEA, anyone?).

We headed to Parr Park to have some fun in the sun with Clara.. she really enjoyed the splash pad there - it's was super nice!

It's always nice to be back home.. but now it's Wednesday and I'm still not fully unpacked.. and we're headed back out of town this coming weekend too..