

The Ripple Effect

So a while ago I started making a little blankie for my niece.  She turned TWO earlier this month, and I just finally got it sent out a little while ago.  A little late, but it was made with lots of time and love.  I think it's adorable.  And from what I know she likes the color purple.  :)  She has a purple big girl room, and she even told me I should name my baby girl purple.  Ha ha!  I love her.


Cherry Blossoms Are Bloomin'...

I love spring.  And spring here in Korea is beautiful (although my sinuses could do without the yellow dust!).  :)  I just have to smile when I see the beautiful Cherry Blossom trees all over.  The weather has been lovely the past couple of days -- still praying that it stays nice for our maternity photos on Saturday!!

 Those are just some shots of the trees outside our apartment building.. they're not quite fully bloomed yet.  I can't wait until my husband gets back from TDY so we can go on a walk and admire them all and I can get some better pictures!


Yarn Puffs & Cute Stuffed Animals!

I made these cute little yarn puffs the other day with some leftover yarn that I had - what a good way to use up odds and ends!  I absolutely adore them.  They remind of those dandelion puffs, you know, the white ones you used to blow as a kid.  I also had an old glass vase sitting around, and I decided to spray paint it white (spray paint is one of my good friends:).  A little bouquet of colorful yarn puffs... they are a lovely addition to the nursery!  And cost absolutely nothing for me to make since I had everything on hand already.  Love those kind of projects!

And the other day when my husband and I were at E-Mart (a store here in Korea) picking up a side table/book shelf, we saw some super fun stuffed animals.  I fell in love with the owl.  :)

 I will show more pictures of these things in their respective places in the nursery once it's completely finished.  My husband is gone on a TDY this week, so I'm going to try to have all the picture frames, etc, ready to hang so we can get those things up on the walls once he gets back.  And... our maternity photoshoot is this Saturday!  SO excited!  The forecast is rain, but we're praying it holds off... at least for the photoshoot!  :)


Just Some Baby Things

Things are getting done here and there in the nursery - not much longer to go!  I still have a few more projects I want to work on for the decor.  The other day I made a few puff balls...

They're super cute, so I'm excited to get them hung up.  I'll take a better picture when hubby gets them up.  :)  I think today we may also go pick up a small bookshelf to serve as storage/nightstand for her lamp.  I also need to find some wicker baskets, but I haven't been satisfied with what I've seen around here so I may just have to order online.

And the other day I picked up some more cute clothes (and I'm now cut off from hubby... haha.. he said no more!).  I bought 20 outfits, socks, and a cute little pair of shoes for $20.  Can't beat that!  Her closet is pretty full...

Once the closet is completely finished, I'll take a full view shot of it.  Those dividers I made are coming in very handy, by the way.  I'm just LOVING them!  

And how can you not love these sweet dresses that I bought just $2 each..

And teeny-tiny shoes...  I can't wait to see the cute little feet that fill them.  :)

Well, I'm headin' out to spend this beautiful spring day with my husband.  Not sure what we're going to do yet, but I can assure you we will be enjoying this weather.  Maybe some lunch, too!


Baby Loot Score!

I love getting good deals.  They make me all happy and excited!  A lady over here just had a baby girl here last year and now they're PCSing, so she was selling a few baby items (some still had the tags on it!) for cheap.  

I bought one newborn sleeper, one 0-3 month dress, two 3 month sleepers, one 3-6 month outfit (SO cute.. a little plaid top and jeans.. oh how I just love baby jeans!), two 6 month tops with leggings, three 6 month sleepers, one pack of pacifiers, a play gym, a tummy time mat, and a maternity skirt (same exact style except for it's a blue-ish gray color) for only $26.00!

Here are just a few of the outfits I bought..

Cute, right?!  Oh how I just love the little baby jeans.  And that little gray and pink polka dot dress with the bloomers.  Not only does a good deal make me happy,  but it makes my hubby (and his wallet) very happy too!  ;)  And of course my husband had to play with the baby gym a little bit...

Today has been a great Sunday!  Visited a new church, got some good baby deals, and now I'm about to do some things in the nursery while my husband is out hitting a few golf balls at the driving range with a friend.  And later we'll be lounging around, and salmon for dinner tonight!  Mmmm:)


Nursery: Baby Closet Dividers

I've been working on this project for about the past week.  It probably would have only taken me a day or so, but I never seem to have enough time to finish something in one sitting.  Ah, well.  I'm very pleased with how they turned out!  I got the idea from a few different websites.  Here, here, and here is where I came across them.  They're super easy and a cute way to divide up the baby's clothes so the sizes are easier to find.

I bought the wooden door hangers from Hobby Lobby for just .99 cents.  Then I sanded then down so they were nice and smooth, and primed them with some white paint.  Then just painted them with some acrylic paints and hand-painted on the sizes.  Then I bought some cute scrapbook paper and traced out some little girly outfits and mod-modged them onto the hangers.  I also mod-podged the whole thing so it gave it a sealed, glossy look.  I used some ribbon to tie them to the rod in the closet, since we can't remove it.  I like that they're facing forward instead of to the side, anyway.

A closer look at a couple of them..

Now I just need to get some baby hangers so I can hang all of her clothes up.  She has quite the wardrobe going already!  Sometimes I'll just go in there to go through them and at how adorable they are.  :)  There are a few other things I need to get to organize the closet, too.  Everything is coming along nicely!

And then some of of her other clothes and things I need to get hangers and wicker baskets for...

 We're getting more and more excited every day.  I constantly wonder what she's going to look like, what color eyes will she have.. blue like her daddy or green like her mommy?  Or what outfit I want to bring her home in.  And I can't even describe the feeling of when she's rolling around in my belly.  It's the best, most comforting feeling in the world.  This whole pregnancy thing is pretty wonderful.  :)


Happy Birthday to My Love!

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Hubby....

The big 2-4!  Which means in one week our first year here in Korea will be done!  Only one more year to go.  :)   For his birthday I bought him a new grill, since we forgot to put our nice, big ol' one on the shipment when we came over here... so it's still at my parents house back in the states.. oops!  I surprised him with it a day early because he has to work a crazy, nonsense schedule this week.  He was pretty excited about it, so we went right to the store and bought some things to make turkey burgers and fruit skewers.  It was so yummy.  :)  Our first grilled meal of the year!

And toasted buns!  I love my buns toasted..

I swear there isn't anything better than grilled pineapple.  I get all giddy and excited when I know that we are  grilling pineapple.  And we have another whole fresh pineapple sitting on the counter... there may be more in our future!

My husband seems to be a pretty satisfied birthday boy.  He's sitting on the couch right now with a cup of coffee enjoying his new duck hunting DVD... and I can honestly say that I don't mind watching these DVDs either.  As weird as that sounds.